Perfect Day Wiesbaden
Perfect day gmbh

Perfect Day Wiesbaden
Perfect Day GmbH
Sustainability, upcycling and a flexible use of space were the focus of the redesign of the Wiesbaden Perfect Day Café for owner Hans Reitz. The use of materials with a low ecological footprint, 3D-printed lamps and seating with second-hand clothes upholstery, complemented by a culinary offer of regional vegetarian cuisine and ecological fair-trade coffee, resulted in a consistently sustainable overall concept. With the “classroom”, a versatile event- and exhibition space was implemented on the upper floor.
In cooperation with circ gmbh & co. kg
Wiesbaden (GER)

H&m lab café
H&M hennes & Mauritz Gbc ab

H&M Lab Café
H&M Hennes & Mauritz GBC AB
In cooperation with the creative consultant Hans Reitz, the office designed H&M’s first Instore Café in the center of Heidelberg. Throughout the selection of materials a special focus was placed on the use innovative and sustainable materials. The result was a new furniture series and lamps produced in 3D printing. The bright and friendly overall impression is rounded off by coffee and seasonal products from sustainable production.
In cooperation with circ gmbh & co. kg
Heidelberg (GER)

LH first class lounge jfk
lsg Group

New York Lounge JFK
LSG Sky Chefs
Responsible for the redesign of the 1st Class Lounge, the design office developed a new interior appearance at New York’s JFK Airport. The design revision was carried out with targeted structural measures and an individualized, high-quality equipment, which created a modern and exclusive atmosphere.
New York (USA)

Paintlab h201

Paintlab H201
As a multi-purpose conference- and exhibition room, the Paintlab offers a wide variety of presentation options. Differentiated areas allow customer-oriented processes such as working on recipes, discussions or scientific experiments. Functional, mobile room elements and a modular material archive enable the areas to be separated.
Ludwigshafen (GER)

gww empfang
gww wiesbadener Wohnbaugesellschaft mbh

GWW Lounge
GWW Wiesbadener Wohnbaugesellschaft mbH
For the local housing association, the entrance area was redesigned. One of the central tasks was the development of a reception desk based on ergonomic criteria and a waiting area, accompanied by a comprehensive lighting concept. Particular attention was paid to the translation of the corporate identity and the careful incorporation of the new elements into the existing interior.
Wiesbaden (GER)

calla Restaurant
gaul´s catering gmbh & co. kg

Calla Restaurant
Gaul‘s Catering GmbH & Co. KG
In addition to the interior, a furniture series was realized, which took up the distinctive building form. The modular collection allows a variety of combinations between the seating-, standing- and lounge areas – mobile wall elements serve for zoning. The lighting concept with its own special lights completes the atmospheric impression.
Darmstadt (GER)

Thello train
lsg Group

Veolia Thello – train and showroom
LSG Sky Chefs
For this train line operating between Paris, Venice and Rome, HF-Design has developed a new, special train driving experience together with LSG Sky Chefs. In addition to a comprehensive corporate design including a ticket shop, a modern and functional high-quality design was created for the interior of the train.
Paris (FRA)

Perfect Day Flughafen
perfect day gmbh

perfect day Frankfurt Flughafen FRA
perfect day GmbH
For the perfect day branch at Frankfurt Airport, the interior design concept of the Wiesbaden-based parent company developed by the design office was adapted to the special conditions and requirements of an airport environment. Here, above all, the increased safety and fire protection requirements were thoroughly taken into account. The high number of visitors, with a long-standing turnover record (per sqm) among the airport cafés, was taken into account by the processing of durable materials.
Airport Frankfurt Main (GER)

Movimentos Lounge
Autostadt GmbH

Movimentos Lounge
Autostadt GmbH
This interior and event furniture was created for Autostadt, an organically designed series with lounge seats, tables and counter elements. In the former power plant of Wolfsburg, the durable, easy-care furniture, some of which have integrated lighting, staged the lounge and performance area of the Movimentos dance- and cultural festival.
Wolfsburg (GER)

zeit & raum veranstaltungs gmbh

Zeit & Raum Veranstaltungs GmbH
The distinctive club world of the Königsburg was distributed in a central building in the city center. The task of the redesign was to do justice to the individual areas and the original spatial structure. The concept included its own color and material worlds with furniture and lighting concepts – from the façade to graphic elements.
Krefeld (GER)

living space
circ corporate experience gmbh & Co. KG

Living Space
circ corporate experience gmbh & co. kg
In order to offer customers and employees a space for relaxation, enjoyment, communication and creative exchange, wide spaces of the event agency were transformed into a “Living Space”. The center of the Living Space is formed by the conference room, which offers classic meeting culture but also features additional lounge- and exhibition areas.
Wiesbaden (D)

Autostadt GmbH

Autostadt GmbH
Durch den Einsatz von Möbeln und Lichtmodulen wandelte sich das Ambiente des ZeitHauses innerhalb von drei Stunden vom Automuseum zu einer Club-Lounge. Farbwechselnde Lichtkuben, verschiedene Loungeliegen, Teppich-Sitzbänder und das mit einer Sitzbank eingefasste DJ-Pult luden 600 Gäste zum Entspannen und Tanzen ein. Das hierfür entwickelte Mobiliar wird bis heute vielseitig eingesetzt
Wolfsburg (D)

Autostadt GmbH

Autostadt GmbH
Das ehemalige Heizkraftwerk in Wolfsburg wurde zu einer Eventhalle umgebaut. Dabei war das Designbüro für die (teils temporäre) Einrichtung mit Bühnen, Bar- und Loungebereichen sowie die Beleuchtungsideen verantwortlich. – Seit der Einweihung werden die Räumlichkeiten vielfältig genutzt; das modulare Mobiliar fand wiederholt Einsatz.
Wolfsburg (D)