Summer of Purpose
GCL grameen creative LAb

Summer of Purpose
GCL Grameen Creative Lab
With the “Summer of Purpose”, which consisted of the “Social Business Day” being held in the tenth year, and the new hybrid dialogue format “colloquium 51”, a creative dialogue process was initiated under the lead of Hans Reitz (CIRC). The event was made accessible to the digitally involved public under difficult corona conditions with 51 high-ranking guests from all areas of society. With nine surrounding projection islands and corona-correct spacing, an analog-digital forum was created with 6000 global participants.
In cooperation with circ gmbh & co. kg
Munich (GER)

GSBS Berlin
gcl gramee creative lab

Global Social Business Summit
GCL Grameen Creative Lab
For the GSBS 2019 the office developed a temporary setting made largely of recycled materials. The result was a multipart workshop system as well as foldable stools with carrying straps and compartments for business cards and conference documents.
From the final declaration “Let’s build a culture of peace” of this year’s summit of the Nobel Peace Prize laureates, an exhibition was developed for the windows of the Café Moskau.
in cooperation withcirc gmbh & co. kg
Berlin (Ger)

Gsbs Wolfsburg
grameen creative LAb

Global Social Business Summit
Grameen Creative Lab
Once again the office HF-Design had the opportunity to design the GSBS under the topic “Building a new Civilzation”. The spatial planning included various design elements such as lounge areas and sculptures made of cardboard cubes, which were designed using the UN’s Global Sustainability Goals.
For the central conference hall, the exhibition “Ten Rivers” was created: ten boards of paperboard leaning against the wall addressed the plastic pollution of the oceans, 90% of which is caused by ten rivers.
In Kooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Wolfsburg (GER)

GE Conference

Group Executive Conference
Digital change and sustainability were the core themes of the annual conference for the top management of the Dax-quoted company. For this purpose, an exhibition with different levels of pedestals was developed on which best practice examples from all areas of the company were presented. Walk-in exhibition rooms with possible future scenarios flanked the exhibition, a stage with a panoramic display offered space for lectures and discussions.
In Kooperation mit circ gmbh & co kg
Lissabon (PRT)

senior executive convention
continental ag

Senior Executive Convention
Continental AG
Digital is based on the binary system: a world in bits, represented by the values 0 and 1. With the design transfer from digital to analog, from pixel to cube as a structural motif, the office designed the management conference – From the two-color seat cube to the plenum in the Super Cube and a square-oriented building, the digitization of the company was made visible as an essential aspect of the event.
In Kooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Amsterdam (NL)

bmw rad hub london
bmw group (d)

BMW Rad Hub London
BMW Group
The creative exchange between the cross-industry participants shaped this interdisciplinary workshop. The focus was set on thinking ahead the future with intelligent approaches. Specially developed digital walls offered not only a rear projection technique with transparent holographic foil but also various adhesive editing options. Graphical symbols were used to represent new links and idea clusters
In cooperation with circ gmbh & co. kg
London (GB)

Autostadt GmbH

Autostadt GmbH
Die Sommerinszenierung „Cirque Nouveau“ der Autostadt wurde auf dem Außengelände durch einen gastronomischen Teil ergänzt. Hierfür wurden verschiedene „Foodtrucks“ thematisch möbliert. Verantwortlich für die Gestaltung der Ausstattung und des Mobiliars, realisierte das Büro HF-Design auch eine Outdoor-Lounge und eine Kleinserie von Sitzmöbeln aus Luftsäcken.
Wolfsburg (D)

GSBS Berlin
grameen creative lab

Global Social Business Summit
GCL Grameen Creative Lab
As an intercultural meeting for social exchange, with Prof. Muhammad Yunus as a leading figure, a haptic setting was developed for the Tempelhofer Freiheit Berlin. The choice of palpably simple materials resulted in an individual furnishing; new combinations were created for furniture, theme stands and the stage.
In cooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Berlin (GER)

150 YEars basf
basf se

150 Years BASF Anniversary Celebration
BASF’s historic Feierabendhaus was equipped with a fully-playable cubic media stage, which combined the established history with the future orientation of the company. As an installation growing into the space, mobile elements and walls offered manifold possibilities for a dynamic staging
in cooperation with circ gmbh & co. kg
Ludwigshafen (GER)

Group Conference Darmstadt
basf se

Group conference Darmstadt
In cooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Darmstadt (GER)

ge conference

Group Executive Conference
Die Vermittlung einer neuen Unternehmensvision stand bei dieser Konferenz mit 500 Führungskräften aus allen Unternehmensbereichen im Zentrum. Die Wahl einer naturnahen Location in den Weiten der skandinavischen Landschaft schuf gezielt Raum für Neues und spiegelte sich in der Gestaltung mit organischer Bühne in Steinoptik und Birkenstämmen, Pappmobiliar und Holzoberflächen wider.
Stockholm (S)

Leadership Center

Leadership Experince Center
For leadership teams that face new challenges together, HF-Design developed the temporary Leadership Experience Center. For this purpose, a parcours to move through was developed in the rooms of a water tower, in which the management-relevant topics were made tangible. In order to foster new developments at the location, some alterations remained in the building afterwards.
In cooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Ludwigshafen (D)

We create chemistry world tour

We create chemistry world tour
In cooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Europa, Nord- und Südamerika, Asien

General Meeting

General Meeting
Based on the current design line and the use of a textile back wall, the large stage of the annual general meeting underwent a revision. The dominating large projection received a staged framing with a honeycomb felt background and thus took up the haptic-oriented appearance.
In cooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Mannheim (GER)

Group Conference Mannheim

Group Conference
The vision of the new CEO was presented on a new, organically designed stage. In textile room elements BASF’s latest innovations were presented and internally discussed in textile room elements.
The stage was complemented by a cardboard furniture collection and tables made of the company’s own material Neopolen, which allowed the conference participants an immediate haptic experience of their company’s own products.
In cooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Mannheim (GER)

SEnior executive convention
Continental ag

Senior Executive Convention
Continental AG
Für die Auseinandersetzung mit den Konzernthemen entstanden verschiedenartige, halboffene Workshopräume für Präsentationen und kreative Diskussion. Besonderheit waren dabei Gesprächsinseln in einem Dunkelraum mit schwebenden, indirekt beleuchtenden Silberballons. Bühnen- und Raumausstattung griff diese modulare Arbeitsatmosphäre auf.
In cooperation with circ gmbh & co. kg
Hannover (D)

GSBS Wolfsburg
grameen creative lab

1st Global Social Business Summit
GCL Grameen Creative Lab
The first Global Social Business Summit took place in the former 360-degree cinema of Autostadt. To this end, the office developed an award-winning staging: Around the central plenum, twelve individual stages were created on which the various panels and presentations were held. The use of swivel chairs allowed the participants to follow the event from different angles.
In cooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Wolfsburg (GER)

Autostadt GmbH

Autostadt GmbH
Der Doppelsieg von Volkswagen Motorsport bei der Rallye Dakar 2009 wurde feierlich mit einer Party im ZeitHaus der Autostadt begangen. Begleitet von einer Präsentation der Siegerfahrzeuge auf dem Vorplatz, unterstütze das Designbüro die Inszenierung des Events im Erdgeschoß des ZeitHauses
Wolfsburg (D)

Audi R8 Launch
Audi AG

Audi R8 Launch
Audi AG
For the India launch of the new R8, Audi’s famous claim “Vorsprung durch Technik” was staged in many ways – as a press event and street convoy, with an evening VIP party and a driving experience. All around the German Embassy in New Delhi, stages, lounges, motorable pathways and a specially designed and locally produced collection of lounge furniture were created, which were later used in car dealerships.
in Cooperation mit circ GmbH & Co. KG
Neu-Delhi (IND)

VW Passat Launch
Volkswagen AG

Volkswagen Passat Launch
Volkswagen AG
Mit der Markteinführung des VW Passat in Indien wurde „Indian Spirit meets German Excellence“ Realität und in Bühnenbau und Show, Mobiliar und Dekoration sichtbar gemacht. Für den Event entstand eine Medienbühne aus deutscher Konstruktion und indischen Materialien, ergänzt um eine eigens entworfene Kollektion von Loungemöbeln.
In Kooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Mumbai (IND)

Managment meeting
Bertelsmann AG

Management Meeting
Bertelsmann AG
Wichtige Wechsel in der Führungsebene und die damit verbundene zukünftige Ausrichtung des Unternehmens wurden vor einer Kombination aus virtueller sowie haptisch erlebbarer Inszenierung am Veranstaltungsort vorgestellt. Digitale Inhalte und Gebautes wurden in die vorhandene Architektur eingepasst und erzeugten fließende virtuell / reale Übergänge.
In Kooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg
Berlin (D)

MarketPlace of Innovation

Marketplace of Innovation
In order to further expand BASF’s innovative power, the “Marketplace of Innovation” was launched as an internal innovation camp for 250 executives. The latest developments in the various business segments were presented and explained in textile exhibition elements. HF-Design supported the event in the implementation of an atmospheric coherent overall picture in the room and lighting design.
In cooperation mit circ gmbh & co. kg